IP2015 Module 1 kicks off

Inside Pictures 2015 kicked off on Monday as 20 participants from ten countries came together in London for the first day of the programme’s first module. Speaking at an evening event at Union Club in Soho, Christos Michaels, partner at Lee & Thompson, welcomed the new participants. As an Inside Pictures speaker and alumni, Christos related some of his own experiences of the programme as well as what he has seen of the journeys of participants in subsequent years.

Christos Michaels addresses Inside Pictures participants and guests
Christos Michaels addresses Inside Pictures participants and guests

As well as speaking on the programme, Christos is joining a group of 20 Inside Pictures alumni who have been paired with participants as mentors.

Christos (L) and Joris (R) .
Christos (L) and Joris (R)

Media lawyer and producer Joris van Wijk, who will be mentored by Christos over the course of the programme, said “It’s such a privilege to have Christos, the absolute top media laywer in the UK and EU, as my mentor. Taking part in Inside Pictures already was a game changer; having a mentorship with such a leader in his and my field makes it a life changer.” 

Many participants will be meeting with their mentors over the course of this week in London, as well as attending an intensive programme of training and networking events. Participants come from across the film value chain and represent sectors including production, distribution, legal and business affairs, marketing and sales. The module welcomes prestigious industry speakers and cover topics including finance, development, acquisitions and exhibition as well as the television and online landscape.

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Above L-R: Mentor Alan Maher with Amit Dey; Jill Macnab, Steve Jamison with speaker Fabien Westerhoff; mentor Katherine Bridle with Agathe Theodore; Courtney Noble with mentor Benjamina Mirnik-Voges; Speaker Nik Powell with Caroline Couret-Delègue. Inside Pictures in presented by the National Film and Television School with support from Creative Europe and Creative Skillset.

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