inside pictures application process
We’re here to help you

The Application Process

Stage 1: Application form

All applications are to be made online, via the application form

The application form asks for information about you, including your availability for interview and the programme dates, why you want to apply, your references, scholarship application (if applicable) and an Equal Opportunities questionnaire. When applying you will be asked to upload the following:

    • Company Profile (To include: mission statement, what the company does/position in the market, size and brief history of the company)
    • CV
    • Professional reference
    • List of credits (If applicable)
    • Development Slate (If applicable)
    • Equal Opportunities Form (Optional)
    • Scholarship Form (If applicable)

Applying as a producer

If you are applying as a producer, please complete the application form template to list up to five credits and five projects in development. Additionally, upload a detailed list of credits and development slate, including project scale, budget, distribution, genre, and cast (actual or projected). This information helps us assess your suitability for the course and placement within a participant group.

Financial Support

Inside Pictures cannot provide financial support to applicants in 2025. Applicants are encouraged to seek alternative funding for the participation fee and related expenses. UK applicants may be eligible for a ScreenSkills bursary but should review the guidelines carefully before applying. More information can be found here.

Selection for Interviews

Will take place after applications have closed.


Application forms and scholarship requests (where relevant) received after the deadline will not be considered.


The application form has no built in facility to save. The page can be left open and will not time out, but if you close it you will lose your information. It is therefore strongly recommended that you prepare your answers fully before filling out the online application.


These will be conducted online via Zoom with a panel of interviewers, comprised of alumni and the IP Team.


Actual interview dates vary year to year but generally fall in late March. No other interview dates will be offered.

Stage 2: Interviews

Stage 3: Selection

Successful applicants will be notified via email in early April with an invoice for a non-refundable payment of 30% of the course fee. To secure your place, please respond with proof of payment within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in the offer being extended to a candidate on the Reserve List.



This falls within the Easter holidays for many so we ask that you make us aware if you foresee and issue with this.

Given this timeline, applicants are advised that they should be confident about how they would fund the fees of the programme before applying and certainly by the time of interview.


The new line up of participants will be made public before the Cannes Film Festival.

Reserve list policy

Given the high volume of applications, Inside Pictures maintains a reserve list for all candidates who have been interviewed.

If you are interviewed for the programme and wish to opt out of being included on this list, please indicate your preference on the application form.

Professional reference

this is a written reference to include with your application and is to vouch for you in your professional capacity. It should be from someone in the industry with whom you have worked extensively during the last year. It should not be from someone in your company or someone who works with you on a daily basis.

The reference should be on company letterhead paper and should be dated. It should bear the name, company, job title and signature of the referee.

Professional Questions

We ask all applicants to submit the questions below to their professional referee to answer:

1.    How do you know the applicant?

2.    Why is the applicant a good candidate for Inside Pictures?

3.    In your opinion are there any areas in terms of knowledge, skills or personal development which we can help develop during the programme?

Character Referee

This is to vouch for your personal character. This can be someone from your company or the organisation you work for. Please include this referee’s details and we will contact this referee. We will contact all character referees before the interviews, so please make sure they are available to be contacted and that their details are correct. Failure to secure a referee will impede your application.


Competition is particularly tough for producers, as they are over-represented compared to other sectors, and they form half of the twenty-strong cohort.

Please complete the application form template to list up to five credits and five projects in development. Additionally, upload a detailed list of credits and development slate, ensuring all projects are listed with the following details:

  • Title
  • Genre
  • Language
  • Year of Production
  • Production Budget
  • Country of Origin (if a co-production, list the majority co-producing country);
  • Sales Agent;
  • Territories in which the film was distributed
  • Details about your role as producer on the film (eg were you a coproducer, the majority coproducer, the service producer etc).


We ask applicants to provide two references at the application stage.

When choosing a referee, please note the following guidelines: The most useful referee is someone who: works or has worked with you in a professional context during the last year; is be able to attest as to your performance and character; is an international executive or producer of some stature; has some knowledge of what Inside Pictures is, and what it requires from participants; will be available to respond to our request for a reference week around the third week of March.