inside pictures in LA
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What happens & where?


Modular Programme

The programme is modular and takes place in London and in Los Angeles.

To develop and enhance your understanding of the global film & TV businesses, the programme combines meetings with industry leaders, seminars, case studies, studio and other off-site visits.

Among other topics, the programme will cover:

  • An overview of the global film and TV businesses and the key players
  • The key financial considerations and controls which can determine success or failure
  • Comparing and understanding global sales and distribution opportunities
  • Theatrical release campaigns and strategies
  • Home entertainment, online and ancillary markets
  • Marketing strategies and finding your audience
  • Understanding the US marketplace, studio system and agents
  • Raising finance and understanding revenue flows
  • Key legal, business affairs and accounting considerations
  • Commercial and creative considerations during development and production
  • The acquisitions process
  • The commissioning process
  • The digital landscape
  • Core leadership and management skills, including business planning, and corporate strategy
  • Personal presentation techniques and negotiation skills

Throughout the programme you will receive a variety of programme materials. These will include reports and handouts covering marketplace data and information, confidential case studies and financing mechanisms.

Dates: 9th-14th June in London

Module 1 takes participants through each stage of the film and TV value chain from a European film industry perspective, including considerations in development, the commissioning process, financing and packaging to production, marketing, sales and distribution. Participants will hear first-hand from top executives working in all these areas and will have the opportunity to hear about current trends, to develop a better understanding of audiences and consumers – their behaviours and how to reach and convert them effectively for their projects, as well as a chance to discuss and explore the challenges currently faced by independent film and TV programme makers.

Module 1

From Idea To Audience (European Focus)

Module 2

Getting Under the Hood of Hollywood  (LA)

The programme is modular and takes place in London and in Los Angeles.

Dates: 15th - 20th September in LA

Module 2 takes participants to the heart of the US industry and covers both the studio and independent system. Participants will hear from experienced execs from across the value chain and experience at first hand the strategic and business-like approach of professionals working in Hollywood. There will be sessions that are specific to the US, such as the current studio trends, a session with a US talent agency, a breakfast with a panel of managers, a session on the unions and guilds, the role of the showrunner, plus the opportunity to hear first-hand from the streamers.

Dates:  18th – 22nd November in London

Module 3 is focused on professional and business development and personal growth. During this final week participants will take part in sessions on conflict management, negotiation and presentation skills. They will have the opportunity to give consideration to their own business plans, with a dedicated session delivered by a leading business coach and they will hear case studies from executives who have built, grown and sold successful businesses in both the film and TV industries.

Module 3

Business & Personal Development (London)

Module 4

Project Presentations (London)

The programme is modular and takes place in London and in Los Angeles.

Dates: 8th – 9th January 2025 in London

Participants pitch their projects to a panel of top-level film and tv executives from around Europe, and receive live feedback. At the Graduation Reception, participants are presented with a certificate documenting their successful completion of the course


One of the most common goals participants state when joining Inside Pictures is their desire to extend their industry reach and build their list of contacts – by the end of the programme, participants have consistently stated that this objective has been well and truly achieved.

Through the programme, participants are granted access to leading authority figures in the global film industries, who give their time generously and share their expertise and experience with our participants – providing connections and opportunities that some may never have previously been afforded.

Networking opportunities will be built into each section of the programme as appropriate. We aim to include:

  • Participants Dinner – a closed group dinner to give participants the opportunity to meet each other, and programme alumni, sponsors, funders, our ambassador and key personnel.
  • A networking drinks reception open to the wider industry.
  • LA Alumni gathering – an opportunity to hear from programme alumni who since completing the course, have expanded their businesses into the US, or collaborated with partners across the Atlantic.
  • In addition, Inside Pictures is not only renown throughout the industry for the high level of professionals who speak on the programme and support it, but also for the alumni of the programme itself. Through its almost two decades in operation, Inside Pictures has grown to a network of over 350 previous participants, working across almost every discipline within the film business. This alumni network is built on collaboration, support and the sharing of experience – something we at Inside Pictures encourage from day one of the programme.