In a world where all seems to be about what we cannot do, Inside Pictures finds a way of doing something not done before.
Module 2 of Inside Pictures kicked off this week. Once again participants met online, a format which this time allowed for an Inside Pictures first: unleashed from the boundaries of time zone and place, we’ve had the honour of hearing from East Coast Neon’s Jeff Deutchman.
Regular LA speakers to lend their expertise include Rebecca Kearey (Searchlight); Chris Rice (Endeavor Content); Richard Thompson (Goodman, Schenkman & Brecheen) and Darrien Michele Gipson of SAG Indie.
Building on lessons learnt during module 1, participants have been afforded more opportunities to embed their learning through informal socialising online. Later this week will the first time participants will share the initial stages of their thinking around the ‘project work’ element of the programme, which sees participants paired up and asked to work up a project which they will pitch in January.
Next step will be the personal and professional development module taking place in November, which will have particular resonance for people given the challenges posed to all businesses in the last six months.